Stadium Columbia office space available - zip 65203 (Columbia, MO)

Stadium Columbia office space available - zip 65203
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The Shoppes at Stadium business center offers unique business space in a retail hotspot in Columbia, Missouri - an economic area experiencing tremendous growth. The district includes several shopping malls (Columbia Mall and Crossroads West Shopping Center), which also offer business amenities such as banks and law firms. Key employers in Columbia are the University of Missouri, schools and hospitals, insurance companies, food and beverage manufacturers, laboratories specializing in science and technology, and construction. It is also home to a start-up in the mortgage industry that is now one of the state's largest private employers. Columbia's main attraction is its central position for accessing markets in the Midwest. The business center is conveniently located close to the I-70, making it perfect for doing business in St Louis or Kansas City - equidistant from its location. Columbia is keen to encourage local entrepreneurs and has a downtown business incubator driving technology entrepreneurship.

Office Markets Served
MO - Columbia

Office Rental Terms Available
Virtual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Dress Code
Business Casual (jeans OK)

Conference Rooms
Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Overhead Projector, Video Conferencing, Whiteboard

Kitchen and Food Amenities
Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Chilled Water, Hot Water, Coffee

Business Amenities Available
Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner

Site Logistics
Elevator, Handicap Access

Office Building information
We occupy 12,629 square feet of office space in the office building

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