Forrestal Village Princeton office space available now - zip 08540 (Princeton, NJ)

Forrestal Village Princeton office space available now - zip 08540
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Located within Princeton Forrestal Village, we provide clients and perspective clients with stylish office spaces at affordable prices. It is located on Route One in Central New Jersey, and is within easy commuting distance of Philadelphia and New York City. For greater convenience The Westin Hotel is located nearby. Our location also provides easy access to train stations and airports. A small yet charming park is nestled in between the hotel and our building, which features attractive landscaping and a fountain. Our elegant reception area, training room, three conference rooms, and video conference room are some of the features that this location offers. State-of-the-art LCD projectors, VCRs, and advanced audio-visual technology compliment every business need. Dedicated administrative staff is available to handle any requests throughout the day. HQ Princeton’s “Cyber Cafe (located on the second floor)” offers the opportunity for clients to gather outside of the office, while also providing access to the Internet, hot and cold beverages and two vending machines.

Office Markets Served
NJ - Princeton

Office Rental Terms Available
Virtual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Dress Code
Business Casual (jeans OK)

Conference Rooms
Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Overhead Projector, Video Conferencing, Whiteboard

Kitchen and Food Amenities
Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Chilled Water, Hot Water, Coffee

Business Amenities Available
Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner

Site Logistics
Elevator, Handicap Access

Office Building information
We occupy 23,254 square feet of office space in the office building

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