Executive Suites in Gangnam, Seoul (Seoul, )

Executive Suites in Gangnam, Seoul
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Get an office in Gangnam, Korea’s most affluent neighborhood. The business center is strategically located in one of the major arteries of the area so you can be sure that your employees and guests can reach your office easily. Office suites and the business centre facilities are decked with modern equipment and styled for luxury to match the decadence of Gangnam.

Office Markets Served
KOR - Seoul

Office Rental Terms Available
Virtual, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

Dress Code
Business Casual (jeans OK)

Conference Rooms
Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Large Conference Room (17+ People), Overhead Projector, Video Conferencing, Whiteboard

Kitchen and Food Amenities
Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Chilled Water, Hot Water, Coffee, Snacks, Café or Restaurant within 3 blocks

Business Amenities Available
Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner, Office Supplies, Secretarial Support Service

Site Logistics
Elevator, Paid Parking

Office Building information
Type of Office Building: Class A Highrise (20 - 39 stories)