Ideal Office Space in Livonia (Livonia, MI)

Ideal Office Space in Livonia
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Our office space is a fully equipped executive office and warehousing complex located in the city of Livonia, a northwestern suburb of Detroit, Michigan. Our facility is easily accessible, sitting only 4 miles from 4 major freeways, and a short drive from Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport. Our office space is the perfect solution for sales offices looking to keep their overhead down, home based businesses looking to move into a commercial setting, or larger corporations looking for regional office space with a fixed monthly cost Our management is a family owned organization with over 25 years experience in office management. We encourage you to look around our website to learn about our location, facility, and the services available to our tenants. You can even take a virtual tour of our complex to give you an idea of the amenities available to you. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Office Markets Served
MI - Detroit-Suburban, MI - Livonia

Office Rental Terms Available
Virtual, Monthly, Yearly

Dress Code
Business Casual (jeans OK)

Conference Rooms
Small conference room (less than 8 people), Medium conference Room (9-16 People), Large Conference Room (17+ People), Whiteboard

Kitchen and Food Amenities
Kitchen, Microwave, Refrigerator, Hot Water, Coffee, Snacks, Café or Restaurant within 3 blocks

Business Amenities Available
Wireless Internet, Copier, Scanner, Office Supplies, Secretarial Support Service

Site Logistics
Free Parking

Office Building information
Type of Office Building: Low Rise Business Park
We occupy 10,000 square feet of office space in the office building

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