
OfficeFinder Member Information

We are the world’s largest provider of flexible workplace solutions, offering the widest range of products and services that allow individuals and companies to work however, wherever, and whenever they need to.

Our Company operates over 1100 business centres across 500 cities, including over 140 office business centres in Asia and the UK alone. Our UK Office centres provide fully furnished, equipped and staffed offices, world-class business support services, meeting conference and training facilities and the largest network of public video-conference rooms.

Our Company also supports the growing trend of mobile and home working in London and the UK. Supporting workers at home and on the road, with services such as Virtual Office and Virtual PA providing dedicated business addresses as their business base as well as mail and call handling services. We also operate business centres in airports and other commercial hubs to serve clients wherever they find themselves working.

Companies of all sizes use our UK office space solutions to reduce costs and remove the burden of property ownership and management and to have a workplace to suit however they want to work.

The property types I work and can assist you with are:
  • Renting or Leasing Office Space
  • Executive Suites / Shared Office

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