Monthly Archives: May 2018

No Office Tenant Rep? Don’t be Stupid!

It’s time to make that big move, a larger rented office space. This is good news, because it means your business is growing, but it’s a frightening prospect, to take on that much more commitment and responsibility. You know, when you were purchasing the house that you now live, that the services of a realtor… Read More »

Helpful Tips to Physically Move Your Office

So you just signed the lease for your brand new office space! Congratulations! Now it’s time to move your office. Where do you start? Moving your office to a new location can be a daunting task, but with the right guide and a good timeline, you should be able to take things step by step… Read More »

How to Decide on the RIGHT Office Space for Your Business

It is a big decision. Your office space can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Here are a few ideas on how to make the best choice. To start, here are the basics that need to be considered: Location There are many factors to consider when choosing the right location to set up… Read More »