Category Archives: Agile Workplace

What to Consider When Planning a Multi-State Office Move

Are you relocating your company’s offices and operations from your state to multiple other states? This requires a strategy of expert planning, budgeting, logistics, and communication. Read on to learn what to consider when planning a multi-state office move.  1. Assess Your Needs Any move, be it residential or commercial, requires thorough planning. But this… Read More »

The Benefits of Flexible Office Spaces for Growing Businesses

As a business owner, finding the right office space is crucial to your company’s success and growth. Flexible office spaces for growing businesses offer numerous advantages to help your business thrive in a competitive market. This guide will explore the benefits of designing offices for flexibility and productivity and why it is an ideal choice… Read More »

How to Design an Ergonomic Office

An ergonomic office ensures comfort while also protecting your health and enhancing productivity. When the tools you use daily fit well with how your body functions most effectively, there is no room left for irritating back pains or repetitive strain injuries. Ergonomic setups are not simply a luxury; they are essential for anyone striving to… Read More »

coworking team

Elevate Your Coworking Space with a Google Virtual Tour

In the competitive world of coworking spaces, standing out is essential. As the demand for flexible work environments grows, coworking offices must leverage innovative solutions to attract and retain clients. One such solution is TrueView360’s Google Virtual Tour, a powerful tool that offers a myriad of benefits. This immersive, interactive experience not only showcases your… Read More »

hybrid work station

Navigating the Transition to Hybrid Work Environments: Designing Offices for Flexibility and Productivity

The move towards hybrid work environments is transforming the landscape of cutting-edge workplaces. Thus, creating planning office spaces that accommodate these evolving needs has become necessary as more and more companies adopt a mix of remote and in-office work arrangements. However, this shift raises challenges and opportunities to strike a balance between flexibility and efficiency.… Read More »

inspirational wall decor for home office

Design Tip to Create a Productive Home Office

With the pandemic leaving us all working remotely or setting up a home office, it has become a new trend that has improved our lifestyle. Many of us transformed a specific corner into a particular working space. This space not only provides a quiet corner to finish your task or check emails but also a… Read More »

remote work

Recognition in the Age of Remote Work: Challenges and Solutions

The rise of remote work has undeniably reshaped the professional landscape. Although the idea of working from anywhere has been around for a while, recent years have seen a huge jump in its popularity. This is thanks to global events that forced businesses to adapt and embrace a more spread-out workforce. The shift has brought… Read More »

deciding on future of work

The Future of Work: Distributed or Not?

There has been a lot of thoughts given as to the future of work post pandemic. Whether the future of work post-pandemic will be fully distributed is still up for debate. Here is a snapshot of the pros and cons. Distributed work refers to a work arrangement where employees are not physically located in the… Read More »

adapting top remote work

How To Manage Remote Workers More Efficiently

In this ever-evolving digital era, remote working has become more than just a trend—it’s now a fundamental part of how businesses operate. While this shift has numerous advantages such as increased flexibility and reduced overhead costs, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in management and team coordination. Efficiently managing a remote team necessitates a different… Read More »

start up

5 Ways Furniture Can Spruce Up Your Office Space

With millions of people converting to professional remote positions, working from home has become the new norm. For those that can take advantage of being able to work a hybrid or fully remote position, it’s crucial to create a productive workplace. If you have a dedicated home office, you are probably all set to begin… Read More »


7 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Coworking Space

If you’re reading this post, it’s obvious that you’re considering availing yourself of a working space and wondering what you should look at before settling for one. Whether working from home or a traditional office space, you can benefit greatly from a coworking space. Working in a coworking space is said to be more productive… Read More »

3 Tips On How To Make The Most Of Hot-Desking

The pandemic has significantly changed how we work – office work is no longer the norm, as a study by the Pew Research Center reveals that despite workplaces reopening, 61% of workers are doing remote work by choice instead of necessity. After all, remote work does have significant advantages, such as more control over your time… Read More »

How To Prepare Your Office For A Hybrid Setup

Today, coming to work isn’t just limited to traveling to the office but now allows people to do it at home as well. With this, it can provide people with maximum flexibility and comfortability, enabling them to work right from the comforts of their homes. While some companies can go for a full work-from-home setup,… Read More »

perfect office

How To Design The Perfect Office

The modern workplace is evolving. No longer are employees tethered to a physical desk in a specific location. Today’s workers are mobile and need an office that reflects this new reality, an agile workplace. The perfect office design should be flexible and adaptable to the needs of the individual worker. It should also promote collaboration… Read More »

Hybrid Work Schedule

7 Keys to Creating a Hybrid Work Schedule

A hybrid work schedule is a work schedule that combines elements of a compressed workweek, remote work and flextime. Typically, in a compressed workweek employees will have some long days where they come to the office for a set number of hours and then leave early on other days to make up the difference and… Read More »

New Office

7 Key Factors When Choosing A New Office Space

Your office space isn’t just any other space–it’s the center of innovative ideas and the collective effort of your whole team. That being said, you should always be extra prudent when choosing a new office space.  Whether relocating or starting up, here are several things to consider when choosing a new office space for your… Read More »


6 Ways A Clean Office Enhances Employee Productivity and Well-Being

A vital element to employee productivity is a clean workspace and it all makes sense now why the popular adage says “your space reflects your state of mind.” Aside from the fact that having a clean workspace improves one’s productivity, it also helps to refresh our mind. Furthermore, it’s not how big or small your… Read More »