How to Ensure all Company Purchases are Properly Authorized 

Unauthorized purchases within the supply chain represent a critical challenge for businesses, leading to potential financial discrepancies, operational inefficiencies, and breaches in compliance. These purchases, made outside the approved procurement processes, can undermine the strategic planning and budgeting efforts of an organization, causing significant disruptions. As companies strive to maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly complex marketplace, addressing unauthorized purchases becomes imperative. One effective strategy in combating this issue is the implementation of requisition systems, which ensure that all purchases are properly authorized and aligned with corporate objectives.

Understanding the Risks of Unauthorized Purchases

Unauthorized purchases can have far-reaching implications for a business. Financially, they can lead to overspending and unaccounted expenses that disrupt budgeting and forecasting. Operationally, they can result in the accumulation of unnecessary inventory, storage challenges, and wasted resources. Additionally, purchasing goods or services from unvetted suppliers can expose a company to risks of non-compliance with regulatory standards and quality issues. The cumulative effect of these factors can severely impact a company’s profitability and reputation.

Requisition Systems as a tool

Requisition systems serve as a critical line of defense against unauthorized purchases by standardizing and controlling the procurement process. These systems require employees to submit purchase requests for approval before any order can be placed. Each request goes through a predefined approval workflow, ensuring that it is reviewed by relevant supervisors or financial controllers who can assess its necessity, budget alignment, and compliance with company policies. This not only prevents unauthorized spending but also promotes accountability and transparency within the procurement process.

Strategies for Strengthening Financial Control

Beyond the implementation of requisition systems, several strategies can be adopted to strengthen financial control and mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized purchases:

  1. Clear Procurement Policies: Establishing clear, comprehensive procurement policies is fundamental. These should outline the approved purchasing procedures, delegated authorities, spending limits, and criteria for selecting suppliers. Well-defined policies ensure that employees understand the boundaries of their purchasing authority and the consequences of deviating from established protocols.
  2. Regular Training and Communication: Ongoing education and communication are key to reinforcing the importance of adhering to procurement policies. Regular training sessions can help employees understand how unauthorized purchases impact the business and the role of requisition systems in maintaining financial control.
  3. Supplier Management: Developing strong relationships with approved suppliers and maintaining a preferred supplier list can reduce the temptation or need for employees to seek alternative sources. Centralizing procurement through trusted suppliers also enables better pricing negotiations and quality assurance.
  4. Monitoring and Auditing: Continuous monitoring of purchasing activities and regular audits are essential for detecting unauthorized purchases and identifying potential weaknesses in the procurement process. These practices not only serve as deterrents but also provide insights into areas for improvement.
  5. Leveraging Technology: Advanced procurement technologies, including requisition systems, offer features such as electronic approval workflows, spending analytics, and integration with financial systems. These tools can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement controls.
  6. Cultivating a Culture of Compliance: Fostering a company culture that values compliance and ethical behavior is crucial. When employees understand the rationale behind procurement policies and recognize their role in safeguarding the company’s financial health, they are more likely to comply.

The Benefits of Proactive Management

By proactively managing unauthorized purchases through requisition systems and complementary strategies, companies can realize numerous benefits. These include improved financial forecasting and budgeting accuracy, enhanced operational efficiency, stronger compliance with regulatory requirements, and reduced risk of fraud and waste. Ultimately, these efforts contribute to a more resilient and competitive business.


Unauthorized purchases present a significant risk to the financial stability and operational integrity of companies, particularly within the complex dynamics of the supply chain. Addressing this challenge requires a multifaceted approach, anchored by the implementation of robust requisition systems. By establishing clear procurement policies, investing in employee training, managing supplier relationships effectively, and leveraging advanced technologies, companies can significantly mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized purchases.