Millennials in the Workplace: How the New Majority of Workers Will Change Your Culture

Millennials in the workplace

Millennials in the Workplace means your office culture is about to change – dramatically. Today’s companies must prepare their office cultures for this influx of young workers. But how?

At one time, the baby boomer generation (born 1940s to 1960s) dominated the workplace, creating a culture of workers who stayed at the same company for decades. They worked hard, asked for little and sacrificed a lot to climb the ladder.

That was then. But this is now: The millennials or generation Y (born 1980s to 2000s) now represent a majority of the American workforce.

What Millennials in the Workplace Want

A new Gallup report reveals that most workers, many of whom are millennials, want their work to have meaning and purpose. This is especially true for gen Y. Despite their student loan debt, millennials are motivated by meaning as much as they are by money.

This means that to attract and retain millennials, it will become increasingly important for companies to show they care through community involvement and sponsorship of charitable causes.

Be a Company That Cares

Involve employees in charitable causes and ask them to volunteer for outreach programs. Partner with a cause that reflects your corporate values and let employees make charitable contributions through payroll deductions.

You can also find local opportunities for community service such as soup kitchens. Consider offering Volunteer Time Off (VTO) to employees who volunteer during work hours. Even if you only allow several hours a month, millennials will respond enthusiastically, engendering loyalty.

As you hire more millennials, you will find that their fresh perspective elevates the conversation inside your office culture, causing older workers and managers to rethink their own sense of meaning.

If you would like to find office space that can prepare your company for the new wave of Millennials in the Workplace, or if you have thoughts to share, contact us. We would love to hear from you.