5 Tips to Market your Service Business

Businesses are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to market a product or a service to a wider audience. However, marketing service can be tough especially when there are a plethora of tools out there. Plus, it is different from advertising a distinguished product. When it comes to marketing a product, you design a campaign around it, highlight the benefits of the product and it gets the sales done.

On the other hand, when it comes to promoting a service, you have to market your ability and your team’s capabilities to achieve the given tasks. There is always a need for good service providers in businesses and the competition for who’s the best is cut-throat. Here, we look at five ways you can market your service-based business better.

  1. Make your business message stand out

One of the first things in your marketing strategy should include is a clear cut message that you want to convey to your audiences. Your words must focus on your service delivering on the critical fronts and calming the pain points. The message should capture the imagination of any prospective leads in one go. You need to identify your unique selling proposition. What can you do that your competitors can’t? In turn, making them into regular customers. Differentiate from your rivals by offering a unique selling message to the clients.

  1. Increase value for your customers

At times where competitors engage in price wars, it becomes evident that even though the offered price may be low but the contract will go to the one that gives the best value to the client. One of the ways businesses hone their value generation is through bundling mechanisms. It is like offering a full meal instead of just an Ala carte item in a fast food restaurant while still maintaining the profits. What does your service plan entail? Does it offer more than what the rival company is offering at the same price? Most service operators combine two or more functions as part of the deal and consider customers as actual people and offer plans that suit their needs. Personalizing a deal increases creativity which helps build brand value. Other ways you can achieve this is by offering faster delivery speeds, offering expert opinion, analysis and enhancing the customer care support for the clients.

  1.   Make the best of online

While making the jump to take your business online, you must look for a good web host provider where you can park your webpage and build on it. Talking of web hosting solutions providers, Stable Host is not bad and comes with options for a rookie first-timer and even a full-fledged professional portal. A good web host, with good 24×7 customer support and the latest data security procedures in place, goes a long way into determining how well your website will function.  

  1.   Expand your visibility

It is time to move from the Yellow Pages, if you even remember them, and local directories to appearing on online paid search engines. Attach your advertising links to a trusted website that reflects your brand and give out information about your company and how it meets targeted goals. Tap into the whole gamut of social network marketing methods and connect with your target audience via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and professional networks like LinkedIn. These are ways in which you can connect with the community and build a rapport with potential customers. 

Press releases are also a good way to expand visibility. Find out more at 6 Types of Press Releases to Promote Your Business. Getting in the news for good reasons always helps generate good feedback.

  1.   Build your existing client relationships

Give incentives and better offers to the existing customer base. Many companies offer premium services to subscribers and some of those features remain exclusive. If the customer is loyal enough to spend money and time on your service, give them something extra so that they are retained. From the existing client base, start winning contracts via referral schemes. Create marketing tools that can reach your current clients and through them reach new audiences and markets.

And if you are looking for a place to call your business home, we can help. Contact us today to find out more.