Creating A Productive Workspace In The Office

productive workspaceMany of us long to end the day feeling satisfied with their accomplishments. While this might be ideal, it often isn’t the reality. Thankfully, there are a few small additions that you can make to the office environment which can result in a huge boost to your productivity and create a productive workspace. Let’s look at some of the best approaches for you to try.

Grow Some Plants

Adding some greenery to the office is one of the easiest ways to lighten up a room. There are dozens of options for you to explore. For example, you might be able to get a small pot plant, which will fit in the corner of your desk. In other cases, though, you might have the space to put in a bigger plant, like an indoor pine tree or bamboo shoots.

There are many benefits that plants provide. First, it will make the environment more pleasant.  Many people find having a plant in the office creates a calmer environment, making it easier to focus on their work. It’s also been shown that adding plants can help you filter any chemicals out of the air, giving you a safer working environment. Because of these factors, adding plants to the office can, according to some studies, produce a 15 percent increase in productivity,

Personalize Your Workspace

Another great idea is to personalize the workplace, making it your own. This is a great way to feel more relaxed, as you’ll be surrounded by objects that make you feel comfortable. There are dozens of ways that you can inject your personality into the office. For example, you might want to add figurines from movies or TV shows that you enjoy. You can also decorate the area with colorful stickers or pictures. However, one of the best options is to put in a picture of your family. This can often help remind you why working so hard in the office is important to you, helping you stay motivated.

Add Some Activity

It’s believed that one in four adults don’t exercise enough. This can impact on general health, increasing your chances of becoming obese. However, a lack of activity has also been shown to impact on your mental health. For example, it’s been shown that a quick burst of activity will be able to help you focus. It can also give you more energy.

There are dozens of ways for you to bring more activity into the office. If you have a bigger budget, you might want to install a gym for your employees. For a smaller budget, you can put in team sports, like ping pong. As an added benefit, playing as part of a team can help you form stronger social bonds with your co-workers.

Check The Ventilation

Another simple way that you can improve your workplace is by adding in air ventilation. When the air isn’t flowing through the building properly, it can become stale. This can increase the chances that employees will get sick, as toxins can build up in the office. When they can get fresh air, it will be easier to breathe, creating a more pleasant working space. There are plenty of ways that you will be able to provide fresh, clean air. For example, you might want to add in some more windows or improve your air conditioning system. In other cases, you can put in an air purifier. When you do this, you’ll need to make sure that you get a model that has a HEPA filter, as these will trap smaller particles.

Put In More Windows

Putting in windows another simple way to improve productivity around the office. There are a few reasons for this. First, as we mentioned, it’s important to have good ventilation and fresh air. You’ll also be able to bring more natural light into the workplace. This has been shown to improve the mental health of employees, making them feel more positive about their working environment. It can also help you save money on electricity costs.

Find The Best Work Time For You

Often, the biggest improvements in your productivity come when you change your mindset. One of the best ways to do this is by figuring out the hours that you are most productive at. For example, some people might be more productive in the mornings, while others will get more done during the afternoon. Once you know these hours, you can structure your day around these times. To illustrate, if you tend to be more alert during the morning you might want to consider using this time to complete the most difficult tasks. You can use a to-do list to help you keep track of the things you need to do and plan the best times to do them.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

The amount of sleep that you get each night might have a big impact on your performance at work. When you don’t get enough sleep, you will find it harder to focus and think logically. As a result, productivity tends to take a big dip. The simple solution to this is making sure that you’re getting plenty of sleep each night. It’s estimated that the average adult needs to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. If you’re having trouble falling asleep because of stress at work, you might want to try mediation or other techniques to help you achieve a calmer state of mind.

Get A Coffee Machine

Finally, one of the best ways for you to make sure that you’re focused at work is by installing a coffee machine. This can have a huge range of benefits. First, caffeine has been shown to boost alertness, making it easier to focus on the task at hand. It’s also been proven to help people improve their moods, improving mental health. However, coffee machines might also help bring the office together, providing a natural place for employees to meet and converse.

In this area, there are dozens of different types of coffee makers for you to explore. For example, there’s drip coffee, which can be used to make a pot of coffee for multiple people. In other cases, you might want to get an espresso machine, which will give you more customization options, so you’ll be able to get the perfect brew for your tastes. In other cases, you might want to get a French Press, which is a way of manually preparing your coffee.

The best type of coffee machine will often depend on your office circumstances. However, it’s important to make sure that you choose something that’s going to brew enough for the entire office. You also want to make sure that it will be durable enough to be used several times each day. To help make this choice easier, you can use this excellent analysis of commercial coffee makers for office.


Though we all want to improve productivity, it can often be difficult to know which techniques will yield the best results. Thankfully, as we’ve seen, there are dozens of small changes that you can make to your office to improve productivity. So, now you’ll be able to use these tools to create a more productive workspace in your office.

If you are looking for an office that will meet your needs, we can help. Our service is free. Contact us today.