Case4Space Workplace Research Project : Why Change?

Research ProjectThe goal of the Case4Space Workplace Research Project is to determine what drives productivity in the workplace. They are taking a look at change in the workplace and are finding out why the changes have taken place.

What they found was that office space must be planned and designed to help businesses to “manage and nourish ideas; space should not be looked at as just another overhead expense; and we must plan for disruption.”

Office space has evolved from just an “overhead expense, something necessary to house an organization’s people” where the big debate was whether it should be open bullpen space, private offices or what combination of the two.

Today’s Office space is much more dynamic and complicated. Many more factors involved thanks to constant technological change and challenges.

The conclusion they come to is “Organizations without the tools to adapt will miss the opportunity to seize the change necessary to create and innovate, to embrace new ideas, and to keep up with the competition. They risk slow growth or, even worse, catastrophic failure. In other words: there is a very strong case for space.” Throughout the study the nurturing and encouragement of ideas is paramount to the success of businesses.

This is what we, at OfficeFinder, have been calling the need to create an agile workplace for businesses to survive and thrive in today’s rapidly evolving business world.

We can help make your workplace more agile, please Contact us. We can help get you started finding out about creating an Agile Workplace and how it might work for your company.

via Case4Space: The Wake Up Call?

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