remote work office

How to Keep Your Remote/Home Office Clutter-free

With a constant increase in remote work, people have come to value the possibility of having a home office. Whether the office is in a dedicated space or it is the result of a creative DIY project in the case of people living in big cities like Seattle or NYC, where large apartment space is harder to come by, keeping this space clean and decluttered can drastically improve productivity and well-being. 

Whether you’re a freelancer, a telecommuter, or simply someone who enjoys having a designated workspace at home, the following tips can come in handy any time. Let’s delve into 12 effective strategies to help you achieve and maintain not only a clutter-free home office, but a clear mind as well.

1. Begin with a Purge

First step: start with a clean slate. Remove everything from your workspace and ask yourself “do I really need this?’ when evaluating each object.  If something hasn’t been used in the past year or doesn’t serve a specific purpose, consider discarding, recycling, or donating it.

2. Prioritize Ergonomics & Functionality

Investing in ergonomic furniture is an investment in your productivity. Opt for a comfortable chair, a spacious desk with ample storage, and add monitor stands to optimize your workspace.  Make sure that everything has a designated place, to maintain an organized setup. You should take the time to select the right pieces for your office setup; your future self will thank you for it.

3. Implement a Paper Management System

Paper clutter is a common challenge in home offices. Set up a filing system, using binders, folders, and possibly a scanner to digitize documents. Implement the “touch it once” rule: when you get a piece of paper, decide immediately what to do with it – file (you might need it later), action (the document requires a specific action), or trash. Don’t forget to regularly review and update your filing system to accommodate new documents. 

4. Utilize Wall Space

Vertical storage solutions, such as shelves, pegboards, or magnetic boards, can be a game-changer in maximizing space. They allow you to keep essential items within reach without taking up valuable desk space. Plus, with vertical storage, you can keep frequently used tools, documents, or supplies right at your fingertips – no more rummaging through drawers or shuffling through piles. Beyond their practical benefits, vertical storage can add a decorative element to your workspace as well.

5. Tackle the Tangle

Managing your cables might seem like a minor detail, but it plays a crucial role in maintaining an organized workspace.  Cord organizers, zip ties, or even DIY solutions like binder clips are your best allies in taming the cable jungle. By tidying up and labeling your cables you create a cleaner and more visually appealing workspace. 

6. Set Boundaries

If your home office is in a shared space, establishing clear boundaries is essential for staying in the flow. Investing in room dividers or utilizing furniture arrangements to create a distinct work area is a practical solution to prevent household items from infiltrating your workspace. Having a dedicated work area goes beyond physical organization. It aids in mentally separating work from leisure. When you step into your defined work zone, your mind shifts into a focused, productive mode.  

7. Regular Maintenance

Set aside time, perhaps at the end of each week, to tidy up your home office. File away papers, wipe down surfaces, and put away any items that are out of place. When tidying up is a regular part of your routine, it prevents the buildup of clutter to the point where it becomes overwhelming. Instead of facing a daunting task, you’re consistently managing smaller, more manageable tidying sessions. What’s more, a clean and organized office is more aesthetically pleasing and creates a positive work atmosphere. 

8. Go Digital

Transitioning to a digital workspace can be a great change in your work routine. Where possible, digitize your documents, use cloud storage, and adopt digital note-taking applications.  With a digital workspace, your documents are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Thus, sharing and collaborating on digital documents is instantaneous. Through cloud-based platforms, multiple team members can access and edit files. Plus, retrieving and managing digital documents is far quicker and more efficient than sifting through physical files, saving precious time.

9. Limit Personal Items

While personal touches add warmth to your workspace, it’s important not to overdo it. Strike a balance between personal and professional by incorporating just a few cherished items, like photos or some plants. Too many personal items might be a distraction, while general maintenance of the space can become more time consuming.

10. Use Storage Solutions

Investing in organizational tools is a strategic move towards a more efficient workspace. Drawer dividers, storage boxes, and rolling carts provide designated spaces for your belongings, keeping them neatly sorted and accessible. Taking it a step further, clear labeling ensures that you can easily locate exactly what you need, eliminating the frustrating hunt for misplaced items. This small adjustment has a significant impact on your workflow, saving you precious time that would otherwise be spent on unnecessary searches. 

11. Reassess Regularly

As your work or lifestyle evolves, so should your office setup. Every few months, take a look at your office set-up and make adjustments as needed.  This proactive approach ensures that your workspace continues to cater to your evolving needs, whether it’s accommodating new projects, technologies, or simply optimizing for comfort and productivity. 

  1. Practice Minimalism

Remember that less is often more. Only keep items that serve a purpose or bring you joy. This curation of your workspace not only reduces visual distractions but also promotes calm and order. With fewer physical possessions vying for your attention, you free up mental space for creativity and problem-solving, leading to heightened productivity and a more harmonious work atmosphere. 

In Conclusion

Creating and sustaining a clutter-free home office, particularly in a shared space, may initially appear challenging. Nevertheless, by incorporating these 12 strategies, you have the power to establish an organized and aesthetically pleasing workspace. Keep in mind that a tidy environment isn’t just visually pleasing, it also paves the way for mental clarity and productivity. When your surroundings are uncluttered, your mind is free to focus on the tasks at hand.  

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