Recruit Employees with Your Office Space

Office space to recruit employeesYou’ve hired the best recruiters, crafted the perfect interview questions, and developed a stellar application process. You’re ready to recruit!

One last thing…have you considered your office space?

Believe it or not, your office space design can be a powerful recruiting tool. Office design is a reflection of your business culture, and as such, it should reflect a culture that applicants want to work for. Look around your office.

Take the following into consideration:

  • What do you first notice when you look around your office space?
  • Does your office space consist of an open work area, or does everyone have a fairly designated spot, whether it’s an office or a cubicle?
  • How is the lighting in the office? Are there windows for plenty of natural light, or simply the glare from harsh overhead florescent lights?
  • Are distractions minimized? In other words, are employees able to focus on their tasks at hand even if the office is abuzz with excitement?

The answers to these questions will give you insight into what applicants see when they first walk in for an interview. Now ask yourself: if I were the applicant, would I want to work here?

The key to answering this question lies in knowing what your applicants actually want. During the interview process, it’s highly likely that you’re asking your candidates what they’re looking for in a particular position, company culture, or day-to-day responsibilities. Are they looking for team collaboration, flexibility, a fast pace? Whatever they’re looking for, make sure they see it not only reflected in their conversations with you and other team members, but also in the office environment.

If you find your office space lacking the ability to attract the best and the brightest candidates for the job, let us show you some options that will. Our local reps will show you available office space properties and help you to negotiate the best possible deal. There is no cost for their services to you. It is a free service. Don’t wait. Contact us to find your perfect office space!