4 Lessons You Can Learn from Microsoft’s Agile Workplace Experiment

Agile Workplace StudyWhat does it take to create an agile workplace? While office planning and design choices are at the top of the list, there is more to the collaborative work environment than aesthetics of office design. In fact, it is a mindset that translates into structural adaptations. Microsoft has set the pace for this revolutionary use of space. Here is some of what they have done.

  1. From offices to work environments.

    On two of its properties, Microsoft has done away with the traditional office environment. From the top down, employees and management staff share a variety of work environments. The latter include team rooms, atriums, and large halls featuring a variety of seating options.

  2. From corporate to relaxed feel.

    The company has done away with the stuffy corporate feel for a comfortable, and therefore more productive, atmosphere. A broad range of color hues create a welcoming environment that is more at ease than administrative.

  3. Enabling privacy without individual offices.

    Of course, the biggest challenge is the need for privacy. Some workers simply do not do as well in a large open environment as others. Microsoft has mastered this balance by offering headphones to workers who find the open space too distracting. Smaller work spaces, called coves, are the equivalent of an office with a closed door. The results have proven that quick conversations now replace lengthy emails and productivity is possible for all.

  4. Customizable by workers using the space.

    The office used to be the employee’s refuge where family pictures, plants, and little art objects would personalize an otherwise nondescript corporate setting. This is no problem for Microsoft workers. Their team building activities include a focused customization of the space where employees spend so much of their days.

What really makes Microsoft’s agile workplace functional is its flexible nature that hones in on the needs of the business and its workers at any given time. Contact us today to learn more about finding a office space that works with an agile workplace strategy.