Tips for Choosing Office Space For Attracting And Retaining Employees

ChoicesChoosing office space is an exciting and often challenging process for most business owners. Not only do you want a space that helps improve your business image, but you will also want a space that contributes to employee satisfaction and productivity.

Considering that an employee spends on average over one-third of their day at the office, a  poorly designed office space can affect morale, productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. When potential candidates enter your workplace, they are taking the environment into consideration. Research has shown that various types of workspaces in an office environment can help improve worker productivity. Therefore, choosing an office space for employees is essential for attracting and retaining great talent. Here are a few ideas of how to do so.


Collaboration is a key element to the success of most businesses. It is also the centerpiece of an agile workplace; a workplace that can change as business needs dictate. Designing your space to encourage collaboration, while still allowing for space that provides privacy and focus can be a challenge. It has become more the norm than the exception. The good news is that most of these spaces are generally open areas with only a small portion of the entire space enclosed. This will mean you can rent less space than you might otherwise, saving up to 40%.

Employee Commute Time

Also when choosing office space, take into account the commute time for your employees. A centralized location is a good idea. Over time, long commutes can have an impact on employee satisfaction. you may also want to even consider flexible working, also a key to an agile workplace, to allow employees to work when and where they choose. Studies have shown employees appreciate this option and happy employees generally mean more engaged and productive employees. You can find average commute times on many of our local office market overviews. Obviously, your goal would be to be under that average for your area.

Diverse Work Environment

You may want to consider an office space that allows for a diverse work environment. Many employees appreciate having a choice of workspaces in the office. Open workspaces help develop professional bonds between employees and managers. This can lead to increased brainstorming sessions and provide a boost in creativity. Personalization of workplaces should not only be allowed, but encouraged (with reason). Let your employees take ownership of the space they occupy. They will be happier and more productive

As you can see, designing and choosing office space for your business requires a bit of effort. However, it is well worth it in the long run for attracting and retaining talented employees.

Contact us today. We can help you find the right office space at the best price. Our services are free, It is a no lose proposition for you.

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